SAHTEIN square



Please see more information about placing an order for delivery below.

To Order Call: 067 963 1752

Order flow from a Restaurant at Syringa Park delivered to an Avianto Estate Resident

  1. To place your order, call the phone number for your restaurant of choice as listed.
  2. Confirm your order with the restaurant, the total order amount and delivery address.
  3. The restaurant will advise the internal delivery service of the order, delivery address, name of order-maker and approximate time for preparation of the order.
  4. The order will be collected for delivery, along with a point of sale machine.
  5. Payment will be made on delivery and order handed over to the recipient.
  6. The point of sale machine will be returned to the relevant restaurant and confirmation made that:
    - the order was delivered to the correct address and person, and
    - payment for the order is confirmed via the point of sale machine’s transactional history.

Delivery Fee

A standard delivery fee of R25.00 which will be added to each order.
Please note, within a single order, if your food/drink order is ordered from multiple participating restaurants, only a single R25.00 delivery fee is charged.